Monday 30 June 2014

Inside & Out Book Tag

Inside flap / Back of the book summaries: Too much info? Or not enough (Discuss)

It depends, I sometimes think that some books don't give enough away so you go into reading the book pretty much blind, whereas other's give too much and you feel as though you know the whole story. But then there are some that give just the right amount and it kills you not knowing so you have to read the book right away.

New book: What form do you want it in? Be honest: audio book, e-book, paperback, or hardcover?

Paperbacks. I do love hardbacks but they are so heavy and as I do most of my reading to/ from work I need a light book. Having said that I also have a Kindle, which I love as it is so light and portable but nothing can ever beat an actual physical book.

Scribble while you read? Do you like to write in your books, taking notes, making comments, or do you keep your books clean clean clean? (Tell us why)

CLEAN! I couldn't write in books because if I ever went back to it I would just be thinking how ugly the book looks and concentrate on that more than the words on the page. I don't mind a creased spine but writing in a book could just tip me over the edge. I couldn't even do it in school when we had to write on the pages of plays etc, I had to make my notes on a separate piece of paper.

In your best voice, read for us your favourite first sentence from a book.

I probably have hundreds of favourite first lines that I couldn't even think of never mind actually choose one but I recently read Emily Harper's My Sort-of, Kind-of Hero and although it isn't from right at the start (it is 131 pages in) a paragraph made me fall in love with the book, it has so much real feeling in it and it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I know it's cheating a little but I don't is that paragraph!

Because love isn’t about saying all the right things, or giving the perfect gifts. Love is about sharing something special with someone else that no one else will ever understand or can be a part of. Love is about sticking with someone when in that moment everything inside of you wants to bolt, and knowing that even though the other person could feel the same way they aren’t going anywhere either. Because you made a commitment to each other and that promise means something, even when you want to pretend it doesn't. Love is being able to stay in on a Friday night with a pizza and movie and know that there isn’t anywhere else you would rather be. Love is wanting to strangle someone one minute and then the second anyone else says something bad about them you defend them to your last dying breath.

Does it matter to you whether the author is male or female when you’re deciding on a book? What if you’re unsure of the author’s gender?

Nope not at all, I have read brilliant books of the same genre's by both male and female authors. My favourite authors are a mixture of male and female. It is not about the gender of the person that writes the book it is about how they make that book speak to you.

Ever read ahead? Or have you ever read the last page way before you got there?

Yes I have, some purely for the reason that I wasn't enjoying the book and some for the complete opposite that I am enjoying the book so much I can't help myself! I have only ever read the last page though I don't read ahead anymore than that.


Organized bookshelves, or outrageous bookshelves?

Not organised but just piled or stacked rather than just thrown on a shelf, although since moving out I haven't got a bookshelf anymore so now they are just piled on one shelf which is now bending in the middle, whoops!

Under oath: have you ever bought a book based on the cover (alone)?

I haven't bought it based on the cover alone but that's what makes us pick up books isn't it?! If we see a pretty cover? I will always check the blurb before buying a book though. If I am not looking for a particular book I will always look at the ones that catch my eye with pretty or interesting covers. That's why they are so pretty after all isn't it?

Take it outside to read, or stay in?
Take it outside as I am usually on the bus when I read, but I do love getting into bed with a book at the end of the day.

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