Friday 20 June 2014

Cupcakes At Carrington's by Alexandra Brown

Georgie Hart loves her job–running the luxury handbag concession at Carrington’s Department store in the pretty seaside town of Mulberry Bay, and treating herself (once too often!) to a red velvet cupcake with buttercream icing in Carrington’s café.

But Georgie is thrown into disarray when Carrington’s is plunged into a recession-busting makeover, cueing the arrival of femme fatale Maxine, who wields the axe in her immaculately-manicured hands.

It spells a recipe for disaster for Georgie and soon she is fighting not only for her job, but also for the attentions of her gorgeous boss, James. And when hot newcomer Tom arrives, who may or may not be the best thing since sliced bread, Georgie must decide where her loyalties really lie…

I had very high expectations before reading this book due to seeing how much people love this and all of the other Carrington's books. It was definitely worth the read and deserved all the build up it gets, it is such a great book full of fun and laughs. I adored it!

What drew me into this book in the first place was the title! I love nothing more than a good cake and everything that was served in the café sounded so delicious and made me crave some cake! Although the book is not centered around the café as such, it is run by Georgie’s best friend Sam so it is the place where a lot of the chats, scheming and occasional badmouthing take place and it is a very fitting title for the book.

The story really gives you an insight into working in a department store and shows you that it is not as glamorous as it may seem, we all know and love them but never see beyond the products they are selling and the staff scattered around waiting to assist. I have never read a novel with this concept before (I’m not even sure if there are others), so this made it so interesting and intriguing. Alexandra keeps the story of the store flowing by adding twists along the way, especially when Maxine is introduced, she is employed to save the store from the economic decline, whilst scaring everybody into thinking they are losing their jobs. A lot of chic-lit books although great are predictable when it comes to the ending and I often find myself guessing what will happen, but I couldn't do this with this book, it kept you interested right until the last page and I wasn't even thinking about the ending because you couldn't even begin to guess.

I loved Georgie, she was so relatable and I found myself wanting to be her best friend. It is such a real book dealing with debt and the recession which I think makes you fall in love with this book even more as it is not set in a fantasy land where there are no troubles, it has real life problems that everybody is dealing with. I also loved Eddie, he is the gay best friend that every girl wants, he is so funny and loves a gossip but is a loyal friend to Georgie.

I absolutely adored Cupcakes at Carrington’s, it was such a fun, sweet and easy to read story that I haven’t been able to put down. This is the first book by Alexandra Brown that I have read but after reading this I am definitely going to read the rest of the Carrington’s books, she has a lovely, funny and intriguing style to her writing and with ease can make the reader hooked.

If you love relatable characters, cupcakes and designer handbags then this book is for you. I am going to read the next one as soon as possible!

1 comment:

  1. Great review! I really want to read this book. I've bought it already and can't wait to start!
