Wednesday 7 May 2014

Book Blogger TMI Tag

How old are you?


What book are you reading?

I've only just finished a book but my next one will be Three Steps Behind You by Amy Bird.

What are you wearing?

Work clothes


I always wonder about this and always go back to Emma and Dexter...

Blogger or WordPress?

Blogger. I tried to change to WordPress recently but just couldn't seem to get it to do what I wanted it to.

Going outside being active or staying in and reading a book?

Staying in and reading.

What is the last book you read?

The Warrior Queen by Lavinia Collins, I loved it! You can read my review here

What is the book you’re going to read next?

Three Steps Behind You by Amy Bird.

Ebooks – yes or no?

Yes. Although I like the feel of a paper book better, eBooks are so much more convenient and cheaper to buy when you have no money!

Where do you prefer to read?

On the couch or snuggled up in bed.

What do you do when someone tells you reading is boring?

Tell them that the reason why they probably think reading is boring is because they have never read a book that draws you in and speaks to you in a way that you couldn't imagine. Then I usually recommend a few books that do this.

Who is the last person you texted?

My Mum.

Who is your all-time favorite book character?

I think I will have to say Katniss Everdeen.


UKYA purely because I read more of it but USYA is also amazing.

What is your preferred drink whilst reading?

Tea or Milk.

If you hated reading, what would you be doing instead?
I’m really not sure, probably watching TV or films.

How many bookshelves / bookcases do you have?

I've recently moved into a house of my own so haven't got round to actually buying a bookshelf yet, although I really should because I have so many books piled up on one tiny shelf.

If you had the choice to meet all of your favorite book bloggers or all of your favorite authors, which would you pick? You can only pick one.

My favorite authors, because I would love to talk to them about their books and how they got the ideas, got published, what they are working on, etc.

Favorite author?

It's a toss up between David Nicholls and John Green

What is the number-one book on your wishlist?

I have about 50 books on my wishlist that I want to read all the same.

Do you prefer books with female or male protagonists?
I like both really but I do like to see female protagonists as you don't often find them and everybody writes them so differently.

Which is your favourite book-to-film adaption?
One Day.

What is the last song you listened to?

I honestly can't remember.

Which do you enjoy reading more - negative reviews or positive reviews?
If I really want to read a book I will read positive reviews but if I am trying to decide on whether to read it or not I will read both just to get different opinions.

Who are you going to tag?

Anybody who happens to be reading this, feel free to take part.

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