Wednesday 22 October 2014

I Listened My Heart by Rosemary Gallagher

Rose O’Carroll has been single for most of her 40 years. In her search for love she bravely decides to pack up her comfortable life in Australia and move to London. Guided by her special friends — her angels — she quickly settles in her new life; lands a great job; makes new friendships and begins her spiritual journey. It doesn't take long until Joe DeMarco, the handsome American, turns Rose’s world upside down and changes it forever. Rose intuitively knows she has met her twin soulmate. But how does she cope when he tells her “it’s just the wrong time”? Everything happens for a reason and soon Rose discovers why she had to meet Joe DeMarco when the timing was wrong. She had someone else to meet first...and it wasn’t only the dishy Dr St. Claire. I feel my story will attract woman from the age of 30+ who are looking for love and opening up more to the spiritual side of life, (although not saintly) and who are romantics at heart. If you enjoyed Bridget Jones' Diary and Eat Pray Love, then you will enjoy 'I Listened To My Heart'.

Thank you to Rosemary Gallagher for sending me a copy of this book for review. This is a beautiful story that captures your attention and heart from the start.

I Listened My Heart is the story of Rose, a 40-something year old Australian woman who decides to move to London. She has deep spiritual beliefs and is guided through life by her ‘angels’, she is also a gifted Tarot reader. She is waiting for her angels to inform her of the man of her dreams, the man who is ‘the one’. We learn about Rose and her friends and the trouble, heartache, happiness and confusion that comes with finding and trying to keep ‘the one’.

The book is written as though Rose is talking to us as she would her friends or a diary. It was like the author, Rosemary, was telling us her life story, rather than it being a biography of sorts it is written into the life of Rose. This is brilliant as it feels so much more real and you can believe the story. I liked that there was a short poem and a letter to Rose’s angels at the beginning of each chapter, it gave us something different and you could see what she was actually asking them for and saying to them.

I loved Rose, she made me want to laugh and cry with her throughout the book. I felt so sorry for her that she was holding out for Joe and I actually didn't want her to, I wanted her to let him go and find somebody better that would treat her right, even though Joe was supposedly ‘the one’. Although she is in her 40’s so a lot older than me, she was young at heart and I still felt I could relate to her in some ways, this was great as I think women and men of any age would relate to her, meaning that a lot more people will enjoy this book.

didn't know what to make of the spiritual element to the story at first, I don’t dislike it, it is just something I am not really into and don’t know much about, so I don’t know if I believe it. I thought I would find it a bit far-fetched and hard to believe, and yes it is hard to believe that Rose has angels guiding her, but it is a possibility, and the way Rosemary has written this book shows that she is trying to teach us and make it easy for us to believe. The way she has also shown us that Rose's friends all accept that she has angels is brilliant as it makes us not straight away think she is crazy! By the end it has you thinking that maybe we all do have angels guiding us throughout life, there are just some people that can hear them.

It is a heart-warming story with the perfect lead character who you just can’t help but feel for. I have heard there will be a sequel to this book so I am very much looking forward to that! I read this book in 2 days and although I read it in cold, rainy October, it is the perfect holiday read.

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