Friday 10 October 2014

A Letter To My Sixteen Year Old Self

I have recently been looking at the book 'Dear Me: A Letter To My Sixteen Year Old Self' and thought what a great idea it is. Which got me thinking, what would I say to myself if I could tell myself something at 16? So I had a go and although I revisited some painful memories, it was quite therapeutic. I would recommend that everybody do it, mainly just to see how different you are now!

Dear sixteen year old Emma,

I’m not too far away from you and I still have a lot to learn, but even in this 6 year gap there’s things I can share with you, things I know now that I didn't back then. The good news is that you’re happy, the bad is that it’s been tough getting here. At the moment you’re in that red haired, black clothed, coloured converse laced, black nailed phase, thankfully you do get past that!

You've just left school, which is great right? But you still have the hassle of college, which you realise isn't for you, go back to sixth form and stick it out for as long as you can or want to. When you realise it’s not for you, it’s okay! You don’t have to be ashamed, it’s your choice and it will work out better for yourself and your life in the end. Even 6 years later you will still be figuring out what you actually want to do with your life, but you've made a start and that’s all that matters. You will always have ideas of things you’d like to do, let’s hope we can make at least one happen! We have things to learn even now but we will figure it out and we have a better idea of life and what to do. Be happy and set your mind to it and everything will be exactly how you want it.

I wish I could say it’s been plain sailing to get to this point but I’d be lying, it hasn't. You've got a tough year and a half ahead of you, you are going to stumble and fall down a few times, but you will get up. Not right away every time, but you will! You will have to face things you could never imagine, some things will say with you for the rest of your life, even change the person you are, but you will learn from this, learn what trust is, what love is. 
I know you aren't going to believe me, but life is going to get better and everything you have been feeling, the sadness, the darkness, will go away, I promise. You will never forget and you will always hurt but you will learn how to live with it. Things will happen, not all of them good but you will carry on, you will stay strong and you will get through it.
Please remember though, not everything is your fault, you may think it is and it may feel that way to you but it isn't, trust me!

You will make mistakes about what love is and who you let into your heart, not everybody is worth it. You will get your heartbroken after you think you're safe and cared about, your not, he doesn't love you. It's hard but you finally see that you need to be stricter with who you let into your heart and who you trust. You won’t let anybody hurt you again and you’ll meet somebody in just over a year and realise how different life can be, what love really is and never look back.

I wish I could give you a hug and tell you everything works out great. I know you don’t see it right now but you are worth more than you think. The feeling that you’re a failure will pass and you will realise you’re not and that you can try anything you want.

Stop judging yourself!! I laugh as I write that because you still do, but let go of it a little at a time, learn to love one part of yourself at a time, stop worrying what other people think. Stop letting what other people say bother you, you are who you are and you shouldn't let people shoot you down. You will find your voice, it isn't loud, boisterous or obnoxious, but it is honest and true and that's what people will value you for.

The next few years will fly by. You will make mistakes, but some of them will shape your future. So make those choices, show your true self and stand taller than you ever have!

I know you will find growing up hard, but I love you, and I am so, so proud of you. I promise everything works out great and when you get to where I am now you will smile and be able to see your life taking shape.

Love from you, at twenty two.


  1. I think this is an amazing idea. Your letter is beautiful.

    I must admit I've just got a bit teary-eyed even just thinking about what I would say in mine! I may give it a go, but I'm not sure if I'll post it or not!

    Great post, lovely xxx

    1. Thank you!

      I would say definitely give it a go! I put quite a lot of thought into mine and although it was quite painful to write, I kind of felt like I helped myself and reassured myself of what I thought I did wrong back then.It also made me think of what I would of said to myself when going through some of the things I did.

      It is very therapeutic! xx

  2. Wow, what a beautiful letter, I also had tears in my eyes... You're really wise!
