Monday 20 October 2014

Guest Post: Where I Write by Emma Bennet

I'm of the mind that every successful writer needs a decent place to write. Whether that's in their home, a local coffee shop or library.... whatever works really!

Perhaps the most obvious place for me to knuckle down to writing is in my kitchen. It's warm, the kettle and biscuit tin are nearby, and I can hear when the dishwasher's finished. But, not surprisingly, I find it really hard to work in my kitchen. I get distracted by the piles of washing up and beeping machines! There are also far too many comings and goings with little people needing drinks and snacks, the phone ringing...

I have a sort of half-office affair going on, which works quite well as long as I close the door, but again it's on the ground floor of the house and there's just too much going on.

I've always worked quite well in libraries, they're nice and quiet and have a proper 'serious' feel about them, not so much in coffee shops (where there's the added danger of crumbs and icing near the laptop!). Funnily enough, I find that no wi-fi equals a big increase in output!

General notes I make whenever I can - whilst watching a Doctor Who episode with my boys for example, or whilst I wait for them to finish a judo lesson. I always carry a notebook and pen with me in case I get a spare minute, and they've proved invaluable time and time again!

Bizarrely, my most productive writing session takes place in my local Scout Hut, whilst one of my little ones is at Cubs. Providing I'm organised, and actually remember to take everything I need with me, I've been known to get a couple of thousand words down in that one and a half hours!

So, what is it that makes the Scout Hut work for me? Well, while there are other people in the building, I'm generally left in peace. There are no distractions - no internet connection and no little jobs waiting to be done. It's also not the most comfortable place in the world to write! While this wouldn't be much fun if I were to be stuck there for hours, I can't get too relaxed and comfy which makes me stay focussed. It can be a wee bit nippy in the winter months and, as much as I loath being chilly, unfortunately seems to help me concentrate. Weird eh? But whatever works!

Thank you so much Emma for joining me, I hope you enjoyed writing you're post as much as I enjoyed reading it. 

Keep in touch with Emma here:

You can read my review of Emma's debut novel The Green Hills of Home here.

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