Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Book Worm Blog Tag

Do you remember how you developed a love for reading?

I don't know if it ever actually developed I think I've just always had a love for reading whether I embraced it or not but it definitely got started when my mum started taking me and my sister to the local library every Saturday!

Where do you usually read?

It depends if I've been to work or not but of a weekend it's the sofa and of a weekday it's on the bus or in bed of a night.

Do you prefer to read one book at a time or several at once?

Just one, I actually have 3 half read at the moment but I am only actually reading one, I always tell myself I will go back to the ones I have started but I hardly ever do :(

What is your favourite genre?

Chic-lit! What else?!

Do you have a favourite book?

I have two favourite books because no matter how hard I try I can't choose one, they are One Day by David Nicholls and The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

What is your least favourite book?

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (sorry!)

What is the longest book you have ever read?

I'm not really sure probably Harry Potter.

What was the last book you bought?

You're The One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher.

Do you prefer library books or buying books?

Buying because then I get to keep them but I never have money to buy them haha but never go to libraries anymore..

What are you currently reading?

Paper Towns by John Green.

Where do you buy your books?

Waterstones or Amazon.

Do you ever pre-order books?

I have done once I think.

How many books do you buy a month?

None, I try not to buy any but they aren't monthly purchases.

How do you feel about second hand charity shop books?

I never go in but I always mean to as the ones near to my house always have a lot of books in the window.

Do you keep your read and to-be-read books together?


Do you plan to read all the books you own?

I'm trying!

What do you do with books you own that you know won’t be re-read?

Nothing, I just keep them unless I need to clear space like I did when I moved house, then I gave them away.

Have you ever donated books?


Have you ever been on a book buying ban?

Yes. I’m on one pretty much permanently. I get sent a lot of books to review so I don't always need to buy books and I have a lot that I have bought and been gifted in the past so I'm fine for a while!

Do you think you own too many books?

Nooooo but in reality I probably do!

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