Thursday 5 June 2014

A Champion's Duty by Lavinia Collins

The second stunning title in this fabulous, ground-breaking retelling of an epic story.

Feeling increasing trapped in Camelot, Guinevere finds solace in Lancelot and their illicit affair blossoms. But gossip grows in Arthur's court and only by accepting the quest for the Holy Grail can Lancelot place himself above suspicion. But in his absence will Guinevere survive the increasing danger she finds herself in from all around her, and will Arthur's love be enough to save her from harm?

Due to how much I LOVED the first book 'The Warrior Queen' Lavinia kindly sent me a copy of the second in the series and wow, it is just as good if not better than the first.

I don't know what I can say about this book except declare my undying love for it! I had high expectations when starting this book and I wasn't disappointed! It can be read as a stand alone novel as part of the trilogy and if I were you I would read the first before reading this because you will learn to love the characters and the story and by the time you are finished you will be dying to read this book.

We learn more about Guinevere and Lancelot in this book which is what I have been hoping for as I loved her in the first novel and was intrigued by Lancelot and wanted to know more about him. The fact that the story is written from Guinevere's point of you is what makes this book so amazing, she is still a powerful woman and character and always leaves you wanting more. The story although a hugely familiar one is made so much more interesting by the fact that it is told by Guinevere, we get a whole new perspective on everything that happened and it keeps you interested until the very end.

I would recommend this book to anybody whether you are familiar with the story or not. Lavinia is such a talented writer and I cannot wait to see what comes next. Bring on part 3!

You can read my review of the first book in The Guinevere Trilogy, The Warrior Queen here.

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