Given the choice between chocolate or sex, Rebecca always chose chocolate. That is, until a series of transformational experiences caused her to let go of three decades of sexual repression and shame. A serendipitous encounter with a Brazilian man sets the stage for a six-year journey
toward the discovery of a new sexual and spiritual truth and a love that comes full circle.
Set against the backdrop of Buenos Aires and London, with the soulful music of the blues intricately woven throughout the journey, this book is more than just a captivating love story. Healing sources of spiritual guidance accompany the joyful and romantic ride.
Deeply intimate, insightful, and enriched with playful humor, this story invites readers to not only engage in the beauty of one woman’s journey of self-discovery, but to embark on their own journey toward living life to the fullest and highest degree possible.
Thank you to Rebecca for sending me a copy of
this book for review. Can I just say, you are a very brave lady for telling us the truth about your life and things that others (myself included), would be far too scared to do!
Truthfully, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I
first started reading this book, from reading the title and blurb I thought it
would be a book about one woman’s sexual encounters and not much else, which aren't really my kind of thing, so yes I was worried. However,
I was very very wrong. I felt as though this was a self help book that Rebecca had written for me. I have never related to a book so much and I think so many women will connect, love and take something from it..
This book covers so many different topics, yet
I am sure every woman can relate to it in one way or another, it makes you need to follow Rebecca on her
journey of self discovery, whilst also, whether on purpose or not, gives you a
bit of a wake up call to start living your life to the full, do
the things that you enjoy and that make you happy. It makes you question everything
that you are doing to make sure it is right.
Rebecca was the perfect type of person to take us through this story, she was honest, real and such a normal woman trying to live her life. You could so easily relate to her and all you wanted was for her to live the life she wanted to live, not the one she is ‘supposed’ to.
I felt as though I had a front row seat to
watch Rebecca’s life play out in front of me. You could feel a real person
beneath the story that was being told which made it even more brilliant. This
book is written with such honesty and openness that you believe every word.
The main thing that I have taken from this book, and
one I think every woman will, is to let go of the inhibitions I have with my body and myself as a person. I
love that one book can change the way you think about yourself rather than
about products, people etc. this one genuinely speaks to you, about you!
I don’t want to say too much about this book as
it is a brilliantly written book, that I think every woman, whether you are
happy in your own skin or not will love it and take something away from it.
This book is the perfect book to read if you
are looking for a bit of self discovery, self belief or just to help you set
your New Year’s resolutions, I know it helped me re-affirm mine!
Read my interview with Rebecca here
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