Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Boy Who Loved Rain by Gerard Kelly

Colom is the teenage son, and Fiona the wife, of David Dryden, pastor of a high profile church in London, who is admired for his emphasis on the Christian family. But all is not well. Colom's erratic behaviour causes a great deal of family stress. When a commitment to die is discovered in Colom's room after the suicide of a school friend, David finds himself out of his depth - and Fiona, in panic, takes Colom and flees . . . A wonderful, intelligent and searching novel about the toxic nature of secrets, and the possibility of starting again.

Thank you to Lion Fiction for having me as part of the blog tour for this book. I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would!

This novel is about Colom, a teenage boy who is having dreams he can’t understand and has secrets he feels are there but has no knowledge of. Colom felt so real and I started to feel like I had to protect him in some way. You root for him throughout the whole book and want him to be able to live a normal teenage life.
I loved that something as simple as rain was the theme of this book, it is something that I have never seen before and it worked brilliantly. It is explored so well and although you might think ‘what? A story about rain?’it is written so beautifully that you can't not enjoy it. This book makes you think but without knowing you are doing so, it is so powerful, intriguing and has the power to take over you completely. 
I loved how at the beginning of each chapter he gave us a quote about rain, I didn't think there could be so many! 

Gerard Kelly is a brilliant writer, he has the ability to keep you hooked on the story and make it impossible to put down. There is so much emotion in his novel that you can’t help but feel like you are living it.

I don’t want to say too much more about this book because it is so good that I want everybody to read it and don’t want to ruin it, so if you want to know more you will have to buy the book!
I would highly recommend this book to anybody, it is a thought provoking, engaging and intriguing novel that you just can’t put down. I loved this story and I cannot wait to read more of Gerard’s novels.

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