Friday 29 August 2014

First To Fall Blog Tour Author Interview - Carys Jones

I am delighted to be part of the blog tour for First To Fall by Carys Jones. Thank you to Girls Love To Read for inviting me to take part and to Carys for being kind enough to answer some questions I had for her! Read below for interview with Carys.

Could you please tell me a little bit about First To Fall?
First to Fall was the first book I ever wrote. It is the first book in the Avalon series and tells the story of Aiden Connelly, an idealistic young lawyer who relocates his family from Chicago to the small Southern town of Avalon in search of a more peaceful way of life.

His first case at his new firm is that of fallen beauty queen Brandy White who is awaiting sentencing for murdering her husband, local football hero, Brandon. As Aiden delves deeper in to the case he realises that all is not as it seems and that Avalon is far from the idyllic place it appears to be.

When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?
I knew I wanted to be a writer at a very young age. As soon as I started reading stories and getting lost in the pages I knew I wanted to create that kind of magic myself! I used to spend hours with my friend creating short stories and making covers for them!

How long does it take you to write a book?
It depends on how much freelance work I’m committed to when writing but usually two to three months. I like to write daily to maintain the continuity in the story and keep the ideas fresh in my mind.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
Very strict! I don’t sit down at my laptop and let my ideas guide me. I plan out every book I write in meticulous detail. Then I break everything down and assign myself daily targets. Such a rigid approach stops me succumbing to writer’s block.

How was your journey to becoming a writer? Easy or difficult? How long did it take?
It was difficult. It has taken me around five years to get to the point I’m at now. The hardest part is picking yourself back up in the face of rejection. But I write because I love it. The knockbacks are hard but they just made me more determined to succeed.

How did you decide on the genre of novels you were going to write?
It was never a conscious decision. I never sat down and thought I want to write within a certain genre. My stories developed on their own and afterwards I could look back and realise which genre they belonged to. But saying that, my writing is very difficult to categorise as I incorporate elements of thrillers but also romance.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I’m a bit of a film geek! I love nothing more than sitting down to watch a film! I also like taking walks in the woodlands behind my home with my beloved dog, Rollo. He is my constant companion when I’m writing!

Have you learnt anything new about yourself since becoming a writer?
I’m my harshest critic. It was something I was never aware of before but since becoming a writer I’ve realised how hard I can be on myself. But I feel I have to be. There is no one else pushing me to achieve my dream to become a writer, only me so I owe it to myself to be tough, to work hard and do everything I can to make it happen!

What is your all time favourite book?
Hands down it has to be Little House on the Prairie. I remember reading it when I was young and being blown away by how the book transported me from my tiny bedroom in a corner of rain soaked England to the open wilderness of the American prairies. I’ve read that book so many times that the pages are starting to fall out I should really invest in a new copy but there is something special about it still being that same book I originally fell in love with.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I’m a bit addicted to Twitter and hear from readers on there and also through Goodreads. I love connecting with readers! Often we chat about TV shows and random stuff! I don’t like to use my social media as a tool to push my books, I prefer for it to be a way that people can get to know me if they want to. Which is why I tend to Tweet far too much about Rollo and films that I’m watching!

Is there anything you do for motivation when you are writing?
I bribe myself. For instance, if I hit my word target I’m allowed to go downstairs and enjoy a snack of my choosing which is usually jelly babies! I love jelly babies! If I’m in need of inspiration I either walk my dog, go for a long drive or have a bath as oddly, those are the times when I do my best thinking.

What book do you wish you could have written and why?
Flowers in the Attic by Virginia Andrews because it is just so powerful. It takes a seemingly dull premise; four children trapped in the attic and creates a wonderful tale of bravery, optimism and evil. I adored that book and keep meaning to re-read it! I’d love to create a story as powerful and evocative as that.

What do you think makes a good story?
Having someone you can root for. A book might have the most amazing plot but if you can’t engage with the characters you don’t really care. I like books with strong heroines, like the Sookie Stackhouse series. You’re always on her side and she’s the girl everyone wants to be as she knows her own mind and is sassy!

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
A writer. That answer is kind of boring though, isn’t it? The other great love of my life was ballet and I trained as a classical ballerina until I was twelve. I had the opportunity to go and study dance in London but chose not to. And I think I made the right choice as writer was always top of my list!

What writing advice do you have for aspiring authors?
Don’t ever stop writing. Write because you love it. If you keep writing and creating because you love it, it will make it easier to face those inevitable knocks along the way on your journey to publication.

Are you working on anything at the moment?
Right now I’m working on the third book in the Avalon series, working title Coming Home. I also recently completed a fantastical psychological thriller which I’m pretty excited about.


Thank you so much Carys for answering my questions, they are some great answers and I can't wait for your next novels!

First To Fall is available to buy on Amazon now:

Amazon UK

Amazon US

For more information about Carys please visit or follow her on Twitter; @tiny_dancer85

See my review of First To Fall Here

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